Zeus Statue


3 inch Greek God Zeus statue

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Metaphysical Properties

In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus was the god of the sky, thunder, and lightning, and the ruler of the Olympian gods. His name means "sky father" and comes from a Proto-Indo-European word meaning "to shine". 

Meaning of Zeus's name

  • Zeus's name was originally used to describe his powers. 

  • The name "Zeus" may be related to the name of the sky god Dyaus in the ancient Hindu Rigveda. 

Zeus's role

  • Zeus was the father of both gods and men. 

  • He was the ruler of justice. 

  • He was a great punisher who severely punished those who did wrong. 

  • He was often associated with new partners, whether they were divine or human beings. 

Zeus's symbols

  • Zeus's traditional weapon was the thunderbolt. 

  • Other symbols attributed to Zeus include the eagle, and the bull or bull horns. 

Zeus's Roman counterpart Zeus's Roman counterpart is Jupiter. 

Zeus's myth 

  • Zeus led a revolt against the Titans and succeeded in dethroning Cronus.

  • He then divided dominion over the world with his brothers Hades and Poseidon.