Thoth Statue


3 inch Egyptian God Thoth statue

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Metaphysical Properties

Thoth is the Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, magic, and the moon. He was also associated with order, justice, and balance. 


  • Creator

    Thoth is credited with creating language, hieroglyphics, the calendar, and many branches of knowledge, including science, religion, and philosophy. 

  • Advisor

    Thoth was an advisor and mediator to the gods. He was also a scribe, interpreter, and bookkeeper for the funerary deities. 

  • Judge

    Thoth was a judge in the underworld, where he weighed the hearts of the dead to determine if they could continue on to the afterlife. 

  • Messenger

    Thoth was a messenger and recorder for the gods. 


  • Thoth was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, which were sacred animals to him. 

  • His Egyptian name, Djehuty, means "he who is like the ibis". 


Thoth's popularity grew beyond ancient Egypt, and he lived on in the Greek religious tradition as Hermes, the messenger of the gods.