Sunstone Tumbled

from $2.00

Premium tumbled Sunstone

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Metaphysical Properties


  • Sunstone is said to dispel negative feelings and melancholy 

  • It's believed to encourage a positive attitude towards life's challenges 

  • Its golden flecks are said to represent rays of sunlight that fill people with enthusiasm and optimism 


  • Sunstone is associated with wealth and prosperity

  • It's considered a talisman of good fortune

  • It's believed to help manifest desires and realize ambitions


  • Sunstone is said to promote self-confidence and independence

  • It's believed to help people recognize and unleash their personal powers

  • It's believed to encourage people to forge their own path

Other properties 

  • Sunstone is believed to help dissolve fear and negativity

  • It's believed to help people move forward with courage

  • It's believed to help people spread light and inspiration to others

  • It's believed to help people tune into their inner light

Sunstone is a variety of feldspar. It's associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras.