Sobek Statue


3 inch Egyptian God Sobek Statue

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Metaphysical Properties

Sobek is an ancient Egyptian crocodile god who represented strength, power, fertility, and protection. He was also associated with royalty, the military, and war. 


  • Fertility: Sobek was associated with fertility because crocodiles are among the most productive animals. 

  • Protection: Sobek was invoked to protect people from the Nile's dangers. 

  • Military prowess: Sobek was associated with military prowess because of his ferocity. 

  • Royalty: Sobek was associated with royalty and many pharaohs evoked him. 

  • Order: Sobek was associated with bringing order from chaos. 

  • Death and burial: Sobek was associated with death and burial. 


Sobek was often depicted as a crocodile-headed humanoid, or as a crocodile outright. He was revered for his ferocity and quick movements. 

Other associations

  • Sobek was associated with Seth, his father, and Horus, whom he helped birth. 

  • Sobek was associated with the Nile, the life-giving river that was the cradle of the Egyptian civilization. 


The ancient Egyptians worshiped Sobek to appease both him and crocodiles in general.