Persephone Statue
3 inch Greek Goddess Persephone statue
Metaphysical Properties
In Greek mythology, Persephone was the goddess of agriculture, vegetation, and the Underworld. She was also the queen of the Underworld.
Persephone's return from the Underworld each spring was a symbol of immortality and brought good weather and the ability to grow food.
Persephone was associated with agriculture and nature. She was worshipped as the goddess of grain, especially in the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Thesmophoria festival.
Persephone was the queen of the Underworld and the wife of Hades, the god of the Underworld. She was seen as a protectress in the afterlife.
Pomegranate, a fruit of the Underworld
Seeds of grain
Persephone's myth is believed to have been used to explain the agricultural seasons and the death of crops in the winter months.
Other names
Persephone was also known as Kore, which signifies both "daughter" and "maiden". In the Roman world, she was known as Proserpina