Pan Statue


3 inch Greek God Pan statue

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Metaphysical Properties

In Greek mythology, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds, and nature. He is also associated with fertility, music, and sexuality. 


  • Has the legs, horns, and hindquarters of a goat

  • Is often depicted playing a pan-pipe

  • Is associated with the season of spring

Known for: 

  • Inventing the panpipes, also known as the syrinx

  • Being the patron of shepherds

  • Being the companion of nymphs

  • Being associated with fertility

  • Being associated with sexuality


  • Can be lusty and cruel

  • Can be gentle and kind

  • Can incite panic, a mindless fear or rage

  • Can be mischievous


  • Fell in love with the nymph Syrinx, who fled from him and was turned into reeds by Zeus 

  • Was angered by the nymph Echo and sent his followers to tear her apart 

  • Was said to have talked Psyche out of committing suicide 

Other names: 

  • In Rome, he was called Faunus

  • His name is a Doric contraction of paon which means "pasturer"