Osiris Statue


3 inch Egyptian God Osiris statue

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Metaphysical Properties

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of life, death, resurrection, and the afterlife. He was also associated with fertility, agriculture, and vegetation. 

Meaning of the name Osiris 

  • Osiris' name comes from the Egyptian word wsjr or Usir, which may mean "mighty," "powerful," or "eye".

Osiris's symbolism

  • Osiris was depicted as tall, dark, and handsome. 

  • His symbol was the Bennu bird, which could revive itself from ashes. 

Osiris's role in Egyptian society

  • Osiris was a wise and powerful king who taught the Egyptian people how to farm and live peacefully. 

  • He was loved and respected by the Egyptian people. 

  • He created a large garden that served as a burial ground for mortals. 

Osiris's myth 

  • In one version of the story, Osiris's jealous brother Seth murdered him and dismembered his body.

  • Isis and their other sister Neftis searched for Osiris's body and put it back together, making him Egypt's first mummy.

Osiris's importance in Egyptian religion 

  • Osiris became Egypt's most important afterlife deity