Nike Statue


3 inch Greek Goddess Nike

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Metaphysical Properties

In Greek mythology, Nike is the goddess of victory, representing triumph in war, sports, studies, and work. Her name literally means "victory" in Greek. 


  • Nike is often depicted with wings, but can also appear without wings. 

  • She is associated with Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, and Zeus, the king of the gods. 

  • She is often shown as Athena's second-in-command. 

  • She is often depicted as a small figure in the hands of Athena or Zeus. 

  • She is often shown with a laurel wreath for victors. 

Role in mythology: 

  • She was the divine charioteer of Zeus, and her loyalty and services helped the gods defeat the Titans.

  • She was often depicted finding the winners in battles and granting them fame and glory.

Influence in modern times:

  • Nike has been featured on every Olympic coin minted since 1928. 

  • The name Nike was chosen by the founders of the Nike company to embody the spirit of winning in sports.