Medusa Statue


3 inch Greek Mythological creature Medusa statue

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Metaphysical Properties

In Greek mythology, Medusa is a symbol of protection and a warning against evil. She is also a cautionary tale about the dangers of nature's destructive power. 


  • Protection

    Medusa is an apotropaic symbol, meaning she wards off evil and negative forces. 

  • Warning

    Medusa's gaze turns those who look at her to stone, serving as a warning to respect nature's destructive power. 

  • Female empowerment

    Some contemporary artists and thinkers have embraced Medusa as a symbol of female resilience and empowerment. 


  • Medusa is one of the three Gorgon sisters, along with Euryale and Stheno. 

  • Medusa was originally a mortal woman with long hair who was devoted to Athena. 

  • Medusa was the only mortal Gorgon. 

  • Medusa was decapitated by Perseus with the help of Athena and Hermes. 

  • Medusa's children were Pegasus, the winged horse, and Chrysaor. 


  • Medusa's name comes from the ancient Greek verb medō, which means "to guard" or "to protect".

  • The name Gorgon comes from the ancient Greek word gorgo, which means "grim," "fierce," and "terrible".