Hestia Statue
3 inch Greek Goddess Hestia statue
Metaphysical Properties
Hestia is a Greek word that means "hearth, fireplace, altar". It refers to the home, household, or family.
In Greek mythology, Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and home. She was a symbol of hospitality and was important to the other gods and goddesses.
Hestia comes from the Proto-Indo-European root wes, which means "burn". This root comes from h₂wes-, which means "dwell, pass the night, stay".
Hestia in mythology
Hestia was the firstborn child of the Titan Cronus.
She was the sister of Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.
She swore to remain a virgin forever to ensure peace on Olympus.
In gratitude, Zeus gave her the honor of presiding over all sacrifices.
She was associated with the Roman goddess Vesta.
Hestia in art
Hestia appears on the Francois Vase (570-565 BCE).
She also appears on the north frieze of the Siphinian Treasury at Delphi (c. 525 BCE).