Hecate Statue


3 inch Greek Goddess Hecate statue

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Metaphysical Properties

Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and the crossroads. She is also associated with the moon, dogs, and the night. 

Powers and abilities

  • Witchcraft: Hecate is a goddess of magic and witchcraft. 

  • Guardian of crossroads: Hecate is the goddess of boundaries and the guardian of crossroads. 

  • Chthonic goddess: Hecate is a goddess of the underworld, associated with boundaries and the liminal spaces between worlds. 

  • Protector of the household: Hecate is a protector of the household and newborns. 

  • Lunar goddess: Hecate is associated with the moon, the most commanding source of light during dark nights. 

Other associations

  • Hecate is associated with creatures of the night like hell-hounds and ghosts. 

  • Hecate is often shown carrying a torch. 

  • Hecate is associated with the transformative power of death and rebirth. 

  • Hecate is associated with the snake as a symbol of her transformative energy. 

Other names 

  • Hecate has many different epithets, including nyktypolos, skylakagetis, trioditis, enodia, sōteira, atalos, kourotrophos, and phōsphoros.

Hecate's popularity has been revived as a goddess of modern Wicca.