Hathor Statue
3 inch Egyptian Goddess Hathor statue
Metaphysical Properties
The name of the Egyptian goddess Hathor means "estate of Horus" or "the House of Horus". She was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion who was associated with love, beauty, pleasure, fertility, and motherhood.
Meaning of Hathor's name:
"Estate of Horus" or "the House of Horus"
Hathor's roles:
Consort of Horus, the sky god
Mother of the pharaohs
Patroness of foreign regions and minerals
Goddess of joy, celebration, and childbirth
Goddess of women, mothers, and psychological well-being
Goddess of music, dance, and sexuality
Goddess who helped deceased souls transition to the afterlife
Hathor's appearance:
Often depicted as a cow, or with cow ears or horns
Sometimes depicted as a woman with a sun disk between her horns
Hathor's symbols:
Horus' red sun disk
The sistrum, a rattle-like percussion instrument
Hathor's other names: "Eye of Re, "Goddess of the West, "Lady of the Southern Sycamore, and "Lady of Turquoise