Hades Statue


3 inch Greek God Hades statue

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Metaphysical Properties

The name Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, means "the unseen one". He was also known as "Pluton", which means "the giver of wealth". 


  • Hades was the ruler of the underworld, the land of the dead. He was often depicted as stern and pitiless, unmoved by prayer or sacrifice. 

  • Hades was associated with his Helmet of Invisibility, which allowed the wearer to turn invisible. 

  • Hades was also known for his companion, Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the dead. 

  • Hades was often represented riding a chariot driven by pitch-black horses. 

  • Hades was also known for the myth about his wife, Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. 

  • Hades was rarely depicted in art because he was so terrifying to the Greeks. 

In Roman mythology, the ruler of the Underworld is known as Pluto