Dionysus Statue
3 inch Greek God Dionysus Statue
Metaphysical Properties
In Greek mythology, Dionysus is the god of wine, ecstasy, fertility, and theater. He's also known as Bacchus, a name adopted by the Romans.
Dionysus was also known as Eleutherios, which means "the liberator". He's said to have freed men of their inhibitions through wine.
Dual nature
Dionysus had a dual nature, as both a provider of happiness and a defender of his authority.
Dionysus was associated with religious ecstasy and ritual madness, which was also a form of theater.
Dionysus had a cult that included wine, dancing, and loud music.
The cult of Dionysus became one of the most important in Greece and spread throughout the ancient world.
The Great Dionysia, or City Dionysia, was an annual festival in Athens that honored Dionysus. It's said to be the origin of tragedy, comedy, and satyric drama.
Other aspects
Dionysus was associated with orchards, fruit, vegetation, and festivity.
In some legends, those who questioned Dionysus faced his anger, often experiencing madness or transformation.