Demeter Statue


3 inch Greek Goddess Demeter statue

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Metaphysical Properties

In Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, the harvest, and the fertility of the earth. She is also known as the Harvest Goddess. 

Meaning and significance

  • Demeter was one of the most important goddesses to the ancient Greeks, who relied on agriculture for food. 

  • She represented good harvests, grain, bread, fruits, and vegetation. 

  • She also appeared as a goddess of health, birth, and marriage. 

  • She was the foundress of law, order, and marriage. 

  • She was worshiped throughout Greece and had sanctuaries in most city-states. 


  • Demeter is known for mourning her daughter's absence during the winter. 

  • The myth of Demeter and her daughter Persephone was symbolic of the changing seasons and the cycle of life. 

  • Demeter is often pictured with flaming torches because she used them in her search for her daughter. 

  • She carried a long golden sword in battle which earned her the nickname "Lady of the Golden Blade". 

Roman equivalent

Demeter is the Greek equivalent of Ceres, the Roman Earth-Mother and goddess of fertility.