Crazy Lace Agate Geode

from $40.00

Wet cut Crazy Lace Agate geode

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Metaphysical Proerties

Joy and positivity

  • Crazy Lace Agate is said to inspire a positive outlook and boost energy 

  • It's believed to help people let go of the past and move forward 

  • It's thought to promote self-love and happiness 

Emotional balance 

  • Crazy Lace Agate is said to help balance and stabilize emotions

  • It's believed to help dissolve negativity and stress

  • It's thought to promote a sense of safety and security

Mental clarity 

  • Crazy Lace Agate's intricate patterns are said to stimulate the mind

  • It's believed to enhance focus and cognitive abilities

  • It's thought to promote mental agility and flexibility


  • Crazy Lace Agate is linked to the throat chakra, which is believed to govern communication and self-expression

  • It's thought to promote clear and confident communication


  • Crazy Lace Agate is believed to deflect negativity directed at the wearer

  • It's thought to ward off the evil eye, psychic attack, and jealousy

Crazy Lace Agate is a variety of Chalcedony that's found in Chihuahua, Mexico. It's also known as Mexican Agate