Atlas Statue
3 inch Greek Titan Atlas
Metaphysical Properties
In Greek mythology, Atlas is a Titan who carries the heavens on his shoulders. His name means "very enduring".
Endurance: Atlas is known for his strength and endurance.
Astronomy: Atlas is associated with astronomy because he rotates the heavens and stars. He is credited with inventing the first celestial sphere and providing sailors with navigation skills.
Mathematics: Atlas is known for his mathematical ability.
Mythology: Atlas appears in myths about Heracles (Hercules in Roman mythology) and Perseus.
Zeus punished Atlas by making him carry the heavens on his shoulders for eternity.
Atlas was the leader of the Titans in their battle with the Olympian Gods.
Other associations
Atlas is associated with the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa.
In Italy, Atlas was worshipped as a god of merchants and traders.
Atlas is also the name of a large collection of maps.
Mythological stories
Atlas is the father of the nymph Calypso and the seven Pleiades.
Atlas is also the grandfather of Niobe in a Theban version of events.