Atlas Statue


3 inch Greek Titan Atlas

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Metaphysical Properties

In Greek mythology, Atlas is a Titan who carries the heavens on his shoulders. His name means "very enduring". 


  • Endurance: Atlas is known for his strength and endurance. 

  • Astronomy: Atlas is associated with astronomy because he rotates the heavens and stars. He is credited with inventing the first celestial sphere and providing sailors with navigation skills. 

  • Mathematics: Atlas is known for his mathematical ability. 

  • Mythology: Atlas appears in myths about Heracles (Hercules in Roman mythology) and Perseus. 


  • Zeus punished Atlas by making him carry the heavens on his shoulders for eternity. 

  • Atlas was the leader of the Titans in their battle with the Olympian Gods. 

Other associations

  • Atlas is associated with the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa. 

  • In Italy, Atlas was worshipped as a god of merchants and traders. 

  • Atlas is also the name of a large collection of maps. 

Mythological stories 

  • Atlas is the father of the nymph Calypso and the seven Pleiades.

  • Atlas is also the grandfather of Niobe in a Theban version of events.