Apollo Statue
3 inch Greek God Apollo statue
Metaphysical Properties
In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of many things, including light, music, healing, and prophecy. He was one of the most important and influential Greek gods.
Apollo's roles
Healing: Apollo was the chief god of healing in the Greek pantheon. He could inflict plagues and epidemics with his arrows, but he could also heal people and deliver them from disease.
Light: Apollo was the god of light and the sun.
Music: Apollo was the god of music and was skilled at playing the lyre.
Prophecy: Apollo was the god of prophecy and could predict the future. He was also a prophet and minister of his father Zeus.
Archery: Apollo was the god of archery and used his silver bow and golden arrows to kill the giant snake Python.
Apollo's other attributes
Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, the goddess of hunting.
Apollo's sacred animals were the wolf, the raven, and the dolphin.
Apollo was also known as the god of cowherds.
The Romans also worshipped Apollo.