Hecate statue


3D printed hand painted Hecate statue 11”

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Metaphysical Properties

Hecate is a Greek goddess associated with witchcraft, magic, the night, and the underworld. She is also associated with crossroads, protection, and the moon. 


  • Often depicted holding torches, snakes, or a key

  • Sometimes depicted as three-bodied or triple-formed

  • Accompanied by dogs

Domains: sky, earth, sea, and underground realm of the dead. 

Other associations: 

  • Protector of women and childbirth

  • Guardian of doors, portals, and crossroads

  • Associated with midwives

  • Associated with sorcery and ghosts

  • Associated with dogs


  • First appeared in Hesiod's Theogony in the 8th century BCE 

  • The Weïrd Sisters in Macbeth answer to Hecate, rather than the devil 


  • Hematite, garnet, lapis lazuli, and black tourmaline are stones associated with Hecate