Hecate statue
3D printed hand painted Hecate statue 11”
Metaphysical Properties
Hecate is a Greek goddess associated with witchcraft, magic, the night, and the underworld. She is also associated with crossroads, protection, and the moon.
Often depicted holding torches, snakes, or a key
Sometimes depicted as three-bodied or triple-formed
Accompanied by dogs
Domains: sky, earth, sea, and underground realm of the dead.
Other associations:
Protector of women and childbirth
Guardian of doors, portals, and crossroads
Associated with midwives
Associated with sorcery and ghosts
Associated with dogs
First appeared in Hesiod's Theogony in the 8th century BCE
The Weïrd Sisters in Macbeth answer to Hecate, rather than the devil
Hematite, garnet, lapis lazuli, and black tourmaline are stones associated with Hecate