Hera Statue


3 inch Greek Goddess Hera Statue

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Metaphysical Properties

In Greek mythology, Hera is the goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth. Her name means "protectress"

Hera's roles and responsibilities 

  • She protected women, especially during childbirth

  • She protected marriages

  • She was a role model for women as a loyal wife

  • She protected women from men, especially if they were victims of abuse

  • She protected cities like Sparta, Mycenae, Argos, and Samos

Hera's powers 

  • She could prolong or shorten childbirth

  • She could make a marriage succeed or fail

  • She could shapeshift into animals, including peacocks, cows, and lions

  • She had superhuman strength, speed, and invisibility

Hera's symbols

  • The pomegranate, which is a nod to her being the goddess of fertility 

  • The lily flower, a symbol of purity 

  • The cuckoo, which denotes Zeus's devotion and his love for Hera 

  • The peacock, which represents her immortality and beauty 

  • The cow, which she chose because it is known to nurture 

Hera's other attributes

  • She is often shown as a majestic young married woman 

  • She is often depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a crown and holding a royal, lotus-tipped sceptre 

In Roman mythology, Hera is associated with Juno.